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Processor Class

Report miner processing engine.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Opait.ReportMiner.Api
Assembly:  Opait.ReportMiner (in Opait.ReportMiner.dll) Version:
public sealed class Processor : IDisposable

The Processor type exposes the following members.

Public methodProcessor
Creates a new instance of the Processor class.
Public propertyDocument
Gets the current report document that is being processed.
Public propertyEngine
Gets the current processing engine.
Public propertyStatic memberProductVersion
Gets the current product version.
Public methodBeginSaveRecords
Begin saving of records based on model definition parameters.
Public methodBeginSaveRecords(String, String, ExportFormat, Boolean)
Begin saving records based on the specified parameters.
Public methodCopyTableToClipboard
Copies the specified table to the Clipboard.
Public methodDetectField
Detects a field on a specified PDF report page.
Public methodDetectLabel
Detects a label on a specified PDF report page.
Public methodDispose
Dispose off the resources used by the instance of the class.
Public methodEndSaveRecords
End save records and close all associated files.
Public methodFormatDataTable
Formats the specified table as a System.Data.DataTable object.
Public methodFormatGlobalFields
Formats the global fields detected at the report level.
Public methodFormatRecord
Formats the extracted metadata for the specified record.
Public methodFormatSection
Formats the specified section as text sentences and paragraphs.
Public methodFormatTable
Formats the specified table as text.
Public methodFormatTableCSV
Formats the specified table as a comma delimited string.
Public methodFormatTableJson
Formats the specified table as Json.
Public methodFormatTableXML
Formats the specified table as XML.
Public methodParseGlobalFields
Uses the specified report file to parse and extract global field only.
Public methodParseRecords
Extract and parse all logical records in the current report file.
Public methodParseRecords(String, String, String, String)
Uses the specified report file to parse and extract records.
Public methodSaveRecord
Save the specified record. Must have called BeginSaveRecords before this call.
Public methodSaveRecordAsPdf
Saves the pages of the specified record as a PDF file.
See Also