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Opait.Barcoder.QRCode Namespace

This namespace provides classes for generating QR-Code payloads. Strings returned from the ToString() methods of these classes can be used to generate QR-Code barcodes of various types.
Public classBookmark
Generates a bookmark payload. Scanned by an QR Code reader, this one creates a browser bookmark.
Public classCalendarEvent
Generates a calendar or event payload. When scanned by an application, the barcode will display or schedule a calendar event.
Public classContactInfo
Generates contact information payload in vCard or MeCard formats.
Public classEmail
Generates an email payload which, when scanned by a QR-Code application, can send an email.
Public classGeoLocation
Generates a geographic location payload. Supports raw location, as well as, links to Google Maps.
Public classPhoneNumber
Generates a phone call payload. When scanned by an application, it will dial the encoded phone number.
Public classSMS
Creates a payload for sending SMS messages. When the generated barcode is scanned, it will send the encoded SMS message. SMS stands for Short Message Service. Invented in the 1980s, it is one of the oldest text messaging technologies. It is also the most widespread and frequently used.
Public classURL
Generates a URL payload which, when scanned, will navigate to the URL link.
Public classWiFi
Generates a WiFi network payload. When the barcode is canned by a QR-Code scanner application, it will connect to the WiFi.
Public enumerationContactFormat
Describes QR-Code encoding formats for contact information.
Public enumerationEmailEncoding
Describes supported email encoding formats.
Public enumerationPayloadType
Describes the payload types for QR-Codes.
Public enumerationSmsEncoding
Describes the SMS message encoding methods.
Public enumerationWifiSecurity
Describes the WiFi network security protocols.