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PdfBezier Methods

The PdfBezier type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCircleFirstQuarter
Creates a Bezier curve representing a quarter circle in the first quadrant.
Public methodStatic memberCircleFourthQuarter
Creates a Bezier curve representing a quarter circle in the fourth quadrant.
Public methodStatic memberCircleSecondQuarter
Creates a Bezier curve representing a quarter circle in the second quadrant.
Public methodStatic memberCircleThirdQuarter
Creates a Bezier curve representing a quarter circle in the third quadrant.
Public methodStatic memberOvalFirstQuarter
Creates a Bezier curve representing a quarter oval in the first quadrant.
Public methodStatic memberOvalFourthQuarter
Creates a Bezier curve representing a quarter oval in the fourth quadrant.
Public methodStatic memberOvalSecondQuarter
Creates a Bezier curve representing a quarter oval in the second quadrant.
Public methodStatic memberOvalThirdQuarter
Creates a Bezier curve representing a quarter oval in the third quadrant.
See Also