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OcrOptions Class

Class encapsulates options used in performing OCR.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Opait.Ocr.Api
Assembly:  Opait.Ocr (in Opait.Ocr.dll) Version:
public class OcrOptions

The OcrOptions type exposes the following members.

Public methodOcrOptions
Initializes a new instance of the |OcrOptions| class with default parameters.
Public methodOcrOptions(OcrOptions)
Initializes a new instance of the OcrOptions class from another instance.
Public methodOcrOptions(XElement)
Initializes a new instance of the OcrOptions class from an XML element.
Public propertyCanRedact
Gets a flag to indicate that existing or recognized text should be redacted..
Public propertyDebug
Gets or sets the debugging level to capture intermediate results.
Public propertyDetectOrientation
Gets or sets a flag to indicate whether the page orientation should be detected for better, but potentially slower, OCR. Depending on OCR confidence, the page may be rotated in orthogonal directions and OCR results be compared. The detected orientation is not applied to the undrlying image when saved.
Public propertyFullPageOcr
Gets a flag to indicate whether existing PDF text should be preserved.
Public propertyLanguage
Gets or sets the Tesseract prefix of the selected OCR language(s). For multi-lingual documents use plus sign to connect multiple language codes.
Public propertyMaxTasks
Gets or sets the maximum number of tasks to run in parallel. Default is 0, indicating that the number of tasks will be automatically determined based on the number of processing cores.
Public propertyOverwrite
Gets or sets a flag to indicate whether existing OCR data, if detected, should be overwritten.
Public propertyPageSegMode
Gets or sets the page segmentation mode of the tesseract engine.
Public propertyPdfOptions
Gets or sets options that control how PDF files are created.
Public propertyPixOptions
Gets or sets options that control how images are enhanced before OCR.
Public propertyRedactOptions
Gets or sets the options that control automatic redaction of PDF files.
Public propertyRules
Gets or sets a list of available regular expression rules for correcting OCR words.
Public propertySpellDict
Gets or sets the language / culture identifier of the spell checker dictionary to use. Set to null to disable spell checking.
Public propertyTimeout
Gets or sets a timeout in milliseconds for the OCR process. The timeout is for each page in the document. The OCR engine will wait indefinitely for completion, cancellation or failure if the timeout is set to zero.
Public propertyValidateOcrWord
Gets a flag to indicate whether OCR words should be validated by removing certain common OCR artifacts.
Public methodFromXml
Initializes a new instance of the |OcrOptions| class from an XML element.
Public methodToXml
Saves the current options as an XML element.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultLanguage
The default OCR language.
Public fieldStatic memberDefProcesses
The default number of processes is equal to the number of processing cores.
Public fieldStatic memberMaxProcesses
The maximum number of supported processes.
See Also