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PdfEncryptionAlgorithm Enumeration

The following algorithms are used when encrypting data in a PDF file:

A proprietary encryption algorithm known as RC4. RC4 is a symmetric stream cipher: the same algorithm is used for both encryption and decryption, and the algorithm does not change the length of the data.

The AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm (beginning with PDF 1.6). AES is a symmetric block cipher: the same algorithm is used for both encryption and decryption, and the length of the data when encrypted is rounded up to a multiple of the block size, which is fixed in this implementation to always be 16 bytes.

Namespace:  Opait.Pdf.Api
Assembly:  Opait.Pdf.Api (in Opait.Pdf.Api.dll) Version:
public enum PdfEncryptionAlgorithm
  Member nameValueDescription
None0 Do not encrypt, or let application perform custom encryption.
RC41 RC4 algorithm with 40-bit or 128-bit keys.
AES2 AES algorithm with a 128-bit or 256-bit keys.
See Also