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IOcrJob Interface

The public interface of a scheduled OCR job.

Namespace:  Opait.Ocr.Api
Assembly:  Opait.Ocr (in Opait.Ocr.dll) Version:
public interface IOcrJob

The IOcrJob type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActions
Gets or sets the actions performed by the OCR job.
Public propertyAllFolders
Gets or sets a flag to indicate whether to include sub-folders of the watch folder.
Public propertyDeletedFolder
Gets or sets a folder name for storing image pages that were deleted during processing as a result of user action or blank page detection.
Public propertyDeleteSubFolders
Gets or sets a flag to indicate whether empty sub-folders should be deleted from the watch folder.
Public propertyDescription
Gets or sets user description of the job.
Public propertyDestFolder
Gets or sets the location of the destination folder. Can be relative to the WatchFolder and contain macros.
Public propertyDestFolderPath
The full path to the destination folder. The destination folder can be relative to the watch folder.
Public propertyDestOverwrite
Gets or sets a flag to indicate whether to overwrite files that already exist.

If set to 'false', then name conflicts will be automatically resolved.

Default is 'false'.

Public propertyDoneFolder
Gets or sets a folder name for successfully processed documents.
Public propertyFailFolder
Gets or sets a folder name for failed documents.
Public propertyFileLogCompact
Gets or sets a flag to indicate whether a more compact formatting should be used for messages written to the log file.
Public propertyFileLogLevel
Gets or sets the minimum logging level for job messages written to the log file.
Public propertyFilesProcessed
The number of files processed.
Public propertyIndexFilename
Gets or sets a filename for creating an index file for OCR output from index zones.
Public propertyJobID
Gets the unique identifier of the job.
Public propertyJobName
Gets or sets the name of the job.
Public propertyLastRunDate
The date and time when the job was last run.
Public propertyLogFile
Gets or sets a path to the job log file.
Public propertyLogFilePath
The actual path of the log file. LogFile can have macros and be relative to project path. Supported macros are $(Date), $(Time) and $(ProcessId).
Public propertyMaxBatchSize
Gets or sets a limit on the number of files to process when the job runs. Default is zero which indicated no limits.
Public propertyModifiedFolder
Gets or sets a folder name for saving documents with corrected page orientation. Only used if document is not otherwise saved, the option to fix orientation is selected, and the document has at least one page that needs to be rotated to fix the page orientation.
Public propertyOcrOptions
Gets or sets the options for the OCR process.
Public propertyOcrStats
Gets the OCR run statistics for this job.
Public propertyOcrTemplate
Gets the template used for zoned OCR.
Public propertyPagesProcessed
The number of pages processed.
Public propertyRunsCompleted
The number of times the job has run.
Public propertyScreenLogLevel
Gets or sets the minimum logging level for job messages displayed on the screen.
Public propertyShuffleSource
Gets or sets a boolean value to indicate whether the order of the source files should be shuffled to reduce contentions.
Public propertySourceAction
Gets or sets the post-processing action on the source document.
Public propertyStatus
The current or last run status of the job.
Public propertyWatchFolder
Gets or sets the watch folder for incoming reports.
Public propertyWatchFolderPath
The full path to the watch folder. The watch folder can be relative to the project file.
Public propertyWatchPattern
Gets or Sets a regular expression pattern for matching file extensions.
Public propertyZipBackupFolder
Gets or sets the directory where uploaded ZIP files are placed after processing. Uploaded ZIP files are never deleted by the program.
Public propertyZipInputFolder
Gets or sets the directory where uploaded ZIP files are detected. If defined, ZIP files will be processd one at a time by a single instance. A qualified ZIP file will be extracted to WatchFolder before processing.
Public propertyZipMinAge
Gets or sets the minimum age of an uploaded ZIP file before it qualifies for processing. Set this to a value that ensures a ZIP file has been fully uploaded bofore it is processed.
Public propertyZipOutputFolder
Gets or sets the directory where results are moved after compressing into a ZIP file.
Public methodGetDestFilePath
Returns a destination file path for the specified source file.
Public methodGetSourceFiles
Scans the watched folders for available files.
Public methodMoveToDoneFolder
Moves the specified source file to DoneFolder.
Public methodMoveToFailFolder
Moves the specified source file to FailFolder.
Public methodResetHistory
Resets the job history.
Public methodValidate
Validates job parameters before execution.
See Also