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IOcrImage Interface

Interface to the image of a page as input to the OCR processor.

Namespace:  Opait.Ocr.Api
Assembly:  Opait.Ocr (in Opait.Ocr.dll) Version:
public interface IOcrImage

The IOcrImage type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBlankCoverage
Gets or sets the background pixel coverage ratio of the image page multiplied by 10,000. If this coverage is larger than athreshold, the page will be removed when the document is saved. This applies, for example, when blank pages are being detected and removed from processed documents. If all pages are marked for deletion, then the document itself will not be saved.
Public propertyCroppingRect
Gets or sets a cropping rectangle for full-page OCR. If null, then the entire page is processed.
Public propertyIsBlank
Gets a flag to indicate whether the page qualifies as a blank page.
Public propertyOcrDocument
Gets the document that this image belongs to.
Public propertyOrientation
Gets or sets the detected page orientation as counterclockwise rotation in degrees.
Public propertyPageNumber
Gets the zero-based index of the page in the document.
Public propertyZones
Gets the list of OCR zones defined for this image page.
See Also