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PdfMatrix Constructor (Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double)

Initializes a new instance of the PdfMatrix class with the specified elements.

Namespace:  Opait.Pdf.Api
Assembly:  Opait.Pdf.Api (in Opait.Pdf.Api.dll) Version:
public PdfMatrix(
	double a = 1,
	double b = 0,
	double c = 0,
	double d = 1,
	double e = 0,
	double f = 0


a (Optional)
Type: SystemDouble
The M11 element.
b (Optional)
Type: SystemDouble
The M21 element.
c (Optional)
Type: SystemDouble
The M12 element.
d (Optional)
Type: SystemDouble
The M22 element.
e (Optional)
Type: SystemDouble
The DX element.
f (Optional)
Type: SystemDouble
The DY element.
See Also