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Command Line Interface

Barcoder includes a command line module with comprehensive options to encode and decode barcodes of various formats. The command line can also be used to generate and add barcodes to existing PDF documents.

Basic Syntax
Barcoder input [options]
Barcoder content output [options]
Barcoder content input-pdf output-pdf [options]
Barcoder --test-pdf
Barcoder --test-svg
Barcoder --formats
Barcoder --help-decode
Barcoder --help-encode
Barcoder --help-pdf

content               Text content to encode as a barcode.
output                Path to the output image or PDF file.
input                 Path to an existing image or PDF file to decode.
--log-file logFile    Path to a file for logging events.
--log-level logLevel  Logging level (verbose, debug, information, warning, error, fatal).
--test-pdf            Creates a PDF file with multiple barcodes.
--test-svg            Creates an HTML page with multiple SVG barcodes..
--formats             List supported barcode formats.
--help-encode         Show options for encoding barcodes as image files.
--help-decode         Show options for decoding barcodes from image files.
--help-pdf            Show options for adding barcodes to PDF files.
Decoding Syntax
Decoding Usage:
  Barcoder input [options]

  input                 Path to an existing image file to decode.
  --verbose             Produce verbose output.
  --multiple            Search for multiple barcodes.
  --try-inverted        Detect inverted barcodes.
  --try-harder          Try more advanced, but slower, algorithms.
  --pages PAGES         Page numbers for barcode detection (e.g. 1, 2-5, 8-).
Encoding Syntax
Encoding Usage:
  Barcoder content output [options]

  content               Text content to encode as a barcode.
  output                Path to the output image file.
  --format FORMAT       Specify the format of the barcode to encode.
  --add-checksum        Add checksum to barcode if supported.
  --show-label          Print the label under the barcode if supported.
  --width WIDTH         Desired width of the barcode image in pixels.
  --height HEIGHT       Desired height of the barcode image in pixels.
  --verbose             Produce verbose output.
Encoding PDF Syntax
Encoding PDF Usage:
  Barcoder content input-pdf output-pdf [options]

  content               Text content to encode as a barcode.
  input-pdf             Path to the source PDF file.
  output-pdf            Path to the destination PDF file.
  --password PASSWORD   Password for opening the source PDF, if needed.
  --format FORMAT       Specify the format of the barcode to encode.
  --add-checksum        Add checksum to barcode if supported.
  --show-label          Print the label under the barcode if supported.
  --store-content       Store barcode content as hidden PDF text.
  --left LEFT           Left edge of barcode location in PDF units.
  --bottom BOTTOM       Bottom edge of barcode location in PDF units.
  --width WIDTH         Desired width of the barcode in PDF units.
  --height HEIGHT       Desired height of the barcode in PDF units.
  --page PAGES          Pages numbers for barcode placement (e.g. 1,2-5,8-).
  --verbose             Produce verbose output.