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Opait.Barcoder.Api Namespace

This namespace provides classes for encoding and decoding barcodes.
Public classBarcoder
The main barcoder class that initializes the library and can be used to create all other API interfaces.
Public classBarcoderException
Defines an exception that is thrown by barcode error handlers.
Public classBitMatrix
Defines a two dimensional bit matrix.
Public classCategories
Class defines categories of supported barcode types.
Public interfaceIBarcoderOptions
Class encapsulates options for encoding and decoding of barcodes.
Public interfaceIBitmapRenderer
Renders barcodes as GDI Bitmaps.
Public interfaceIDecoder
Interface for decoding a barcode.
Public interfaceIDecoderOptions
Defines options for decoding barcodes.
Public interfaceIDecoderResult
Defines the result of decoding a barcode.
Public interfaceIEncoder
Interface for encoding data as a barcode.
Public interfaceIEncoderOptions
Defines options for encoding barcodes.
Public interfaceIPdfDecoder
Interface for detecting barcodes in PDF documents.
Public interfaceIPdfDocument
Interface of a PDF document.
Public interfaceIPdfPage
Interface of a PDF page.
Public interfaceIPdfRenderer
Renders barcodes as embedded PDF objects.
Public interfaceISvgRenderer
Renders barcodes as Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) images.
Public enumerationBarcodeType
Specifies the type of barcode symbology.
Public enumerationErrorCorrection
Error correction level for two dimensional barcode symbologies. These define the tolerance levels for how much of the code can be lost before the code cannot be recovered. Higher levels will increase the size of the barcodes.
Public enumerationResultType
Represents the type of data encoded by a barcode.