Opait PDF Library
Opait.Pdf.TrueType Namespace Reference


class  CmapTable
 This table defines the mapping of character codes to the glyph index values used in the font. It may contain more than one subtable, in order to support more than one character encoding scheme.
class  CvtTable
 Class that represents the Control Value table.
class  DirectoryEntry
 Represents a table directory entry.
class  FontFileReader
 Class designed to parse a TrueType font file.
class  FontFileStream
class  FontFileWriter
 A specialized stream writer for creating OpenType fonts.
class  FontSubset
 Generates a subset from a TrueType or CID font.
class  FontTable
 Base class for all TrueType table classes.
class  FpgmTable
 Class that represents the Font Program table.
class  GlyfTable
 This Glyph Data table contains information that describes the glyphs in the font in the TrueType outline format.
class  Glyph
 Represents either a simple or composite glyph description from the glyph table.
class  HeadTable
 Class that represents the Font Header table.
class  HheaTable
 Class that represents the Horizontal Header table.
class  HmtxTable
 Class represents the Horizontal Metrics table.
class  IndexMappings
 Two way mapping from Glyph to Subset indices.
class  LocaTable
 The Index to Location table stores the offsets to the locations of the glyphs in the font, relative to the beginning of the glyphData table. In order to compute the length of the last glyph element, there is an extra entry after the last valid index.
class  MaxpTable
 The Maximum Profile table establishes the memory requirements for the font. Fonts with CFF data must use Version 0.5 of this table, specifying only the numGlyphs field. Fonts with TrueType outlines must use Version 1.0 of this table, where all data is required.
class  NameTable
 The naming table allows multilingual strings to be associated with the OpenType font file.
class  OS2Table
 The OS/2 table consists of a set of metrics and other data that are required in OpenType fonts.
class  PostTable
 This table contains additional information needed to use TrueType or OpenType™ fonts on PostScript printers. This includes data for the FontInfo dictionary entry and the PostScript names of all the glyphs.
class  PrepTable
 The Control Value Program consists of a set of TrueType instructions that will be executed whenever the font or point size or transformation matrix change and before each glyph is interpreted.
class  PrimitiveSizes
 A helper designed to provide the size of each TrueType primitives.
class  TableNames
 List of all OpenType and TrueType table names from Microsoft specs: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/otff Note: Both table offset and length must be at 32-bit boundaries.
class  TrueTypeHeader
 Class represents a TrueType font file header.